Frog – Interview with Gina Battye and Jane Robertson
Topic: How to Create a Psychologically Safe Workplace.
Jane approached Gina to contribute to a panel discussion, where she shares valuable insights into how to create a psychologically safe workplace.
In this interview, Jane, Gina and Sope discuss:
- The history of the term psychological safety – where it originated and why it’s become such a buzzword again.
- Why businesses don’t always understand it.
- What it actually means in practice.
- Examples of where an employee might not feel psychologically safe and the impact it can have.
- The benefits for organisations that adopt it.
- What bad and good implementation look like.
- Why it’s so closely linked into having an inclusive culture.
- Where an organisation can start.
- What tools can businesses use to create the right strategy.
- How do you measure success.
- Why it should become part of UK workplace legislation.
Date: 23 May 2023